Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Re-offender puts lives at risk Essay

Ex-convict Mr. Jones was held in guardianship yesterday for the pay off of 2 nearby kids, Jack and Jill Bramcote. The pair of youngsters matured no under 12 were paid off with a pack of desserts to scale the green slope officially known as â€Å"the demise trap† to gather a pale of water. The 2 kids uninformed of the incredible threat acknowledged the proposal to therefore hazard their lives. While on their journey up the demise trap to the forsaken well Jack dropped from depletion and lack of hydration, falling 40 meters to the ground. Shockingly Jill came plunging in the wake of attempting to spare her be-cherished sibling. At the point when scrutinized all Mr Jones needed to state was, â€Å"stupid guileless kids!† But of cause we as a whole no Mr. Jones is utilized to the â€Å"you reserve a privilege to stay quiet, anything you do say might be held against you in court† idea as this isn’t his first time in a difficult situation with the police presently is it Mr Jones?! Mr Jones is expected to be in court one week from now for various charges, one of which helping and wagering. Frequented Happenings Two neighborhood multi year old youngsters Jack and Jill Morris were found in a basic state at the base of the green slope on Saturday evening. It’s imagined that the 2 youngsters were anticipating climbing the slope to demonstrate their conviction that the neglected well isn't spooky and isn't the home of â€Å"bloody Mary†. A young lady from the children’s school clarifies the myths,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦well for ages individuals that have lived in the town of Nottingham have realized that the well at the highest point of the green slope is spooky and that it is the home of the tomato juice and vodka, an awful ladies, who can presents anybody with abhorrent spirits, and denotes all casualties with a Greek symbol†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Trails found on the green slope have been recognized as Jack and Jill’s, the path were discovered going up the slope, yet none were discovered descending it, there is no proof that Jack and Jill ever descended the slope, yet the two of them wound up at its base. Specialists have expressed that the reason for the sets injury was not because of an outing or a fall. Images legal sciences found on the mass of the well have additionally been found on Jack and Jill to their left side shoulder. Following an extreme 2 days historian’s announced that the image implies â€Å"let the revile be upon the people whom are marked† and that it is Greek wording. The two kids are in concentrated mind and have not yet awoken. Police plan to scrutinize the pair when they recapture cognizance and have said that up to that point they can't remark on the proof until done as such. The green slope and well have both been cordoned off until more proof has been accumulated on the happenings of the 22nd January. Executioner development On Tuesday 23rd October 2008 police discovered 2 youngsters in a basic state at the base of a slope in Nottingham. It’s accepted that the youngsters (not named for security reasons) were meandering the town in their days off and chose to get a beverage from an all around situated on the highest point of the slope. Prints have been found on the well coordinating the children’s thus demonstrate they got to the well, yet in the wake of having a beverage the pair had a water battle and in distraught running, surging, dodging and plunging the oldest out of the two came faltering down the slope subsequent to falling over a bit of wood. Isolated the more youthful kin was left surprised and stunned, and came pursuing down her sibling just to fall over a platform post deserted after development work. The pair was transported to the closest clinic and got critical clinical consideration. Police researching found the development organization, Gilford Try to fault because of the express the organization left the slope in the wake of prematurely ending a significant arrangement to fabricate a super home on the land. The organization ought to by law set up signs, banners and doors with notice and risk written in strong that can be obviously observed, anyway the organization didn’t have any signs or anything to demonstrate threat. Seen as the organization neglected to adhere to the principles, they have been fined à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½300,000. The mother of the kids gave us her view, â€Å"†¦I think it’s pitiable, a major organization like that would hazard lives and their notoriety since they can’t be tried to set up a couple of signs! There is no reason for putting someone’s life in danger and that’s exactly what they did to both of my youngsters getting them through a great deal of torment and languishing. It appears they abandoned a passing snare just to begin fabricating another one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Susan Miles the mother of the youngsters have started the procedure of suing the organization and will have a base settlement of à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½400,000. Venture up or tumble down On Monday of a week ago VIPs Jack Johnson and Jill Hepp were both transmitted to emergency clinic with a few broken bones after a horrible mishap shooting movement for their forthcoming film step up two, the boulevards. Jack was said to have stumbled over while lifting Jill, sending the pair flying down the Hollywood slope. First aiders on reserve promptly rewarded the stars while trusting that a helicopter will carrier them both to the closest private medical clinic. In an announcement the makers of venture up two, the boulevards declared that the movies dispatch date has been deferred until November.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Tata Simulation

Prologue To support item esteem and market nearness, business administrators create key market choices utilizing distinctive money related models (Chang Weng, 2012). Utilizing Tata reproduction, Quasar’s officials can build up a fruitful advertising methodology. The reenactment game gave genuine trials in different market structures. In this way, the reproduction game will improve a firm’s advertise decision.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on The Tata Simulation explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The intelligent recreation game gives business understanding in a market domain (Chang Weng, 2012). Accordingly, business financial specialists can comprehend advertise slants in a monopolistic, oligopolistic, and impeccable market structures (Dibb, 2002). The reenactment game impacts item request and builds benefit. Thus, Quasar can improve its upper hand utilizing reenactment games. Imposing business model We will consider different mar ket structures to comprehend the significance of the reenactment work out. The highlights of imposing business model market incorporate homogenous items, advertise predominance, and value system. Accordingly, the highlights of imposing business model market impact item request. Let us consider the cost system of $2500 to expand showcase benefit to $1.29 billion. Therefore, at the purpose of crossing point, the minor expense of the item approaches the income. In the event that the company’s financial specialists need to amplify benefits through extension, commercial spending plans must be endorsed (Jedidi, Mela, Gupta, 1999). Subsequently, yearly financial plan for commercials will increment by 200%. By computation, 7.7 million units of the items will produce the foreseen income. The expansion in the expense of commercials will impact item request. In the subsequent situation, we examined the impacts of the creation procedure on request. Accordingly, an effective creation proc edure will build the day by day creation rate. Thus, we will build benefit on the off chance that we produce 9.4 million units at $2200 (Rothaermel, 2012). The reenactment game uncovered that promoting is a viable advertising methodology. Along these lines, promoting patterns decide the adjustment in methodology and creation. From the above situation, we can derive that ads make item mindfulness better than other showcasing factors. In this manner, item elements can be improved through notices (Porter, 2012, 2013). In any case, the firm’s creation procedure can be redesigned in two different ways. To start with, we could build creation sources of info, for example, gear and crude materials. For instance, redesigning creation plant from manual to computerized would improve the creation limit of the organization.Advertising Looking for appraisal on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, more items will be created to produce benefit. Second, we could overhaul employee’s productivity to lessen squander (Chang Weng, 2012). In this manner, worker preparing will build the effectiveness of the creation office. Oligopoly We will break down the significance of the recreation practice in the oligopoly showcase structure. The market structure faces comparative items and serious value system. Thus, must ensure its stock an incentive to build request. Accordingly, bringing down the cost of a substitute item, the organization will pull more clients to expand benefits. Item separation can be accomplished through cost authority. Accordingly, cost authority is a factor that causes obstructions for new contestants. Past examinations uncovered that customer’s esteem impacted the interest for a specific item. In this way, we can adjust the interest for a specific item utilizing comparable market guideline. For instance, client input can be utilized to get to the nature of th e item or administration. Notwithstanding, a decrease in client connection will influence the firm’s upper hand. The oligopoly advertise structure has subbed items that decline the relative favorable position of an association. In this manner, value audit and item quality will improve the upper hand of the firm. The recreation game gives significant data to benefit amplification. Thusly, consumer loyalty can be improved utilizing cost administration system and administration criticism. Impeccable rivalry An ideal market structure requires the vital partnership. Therefore, a firm will lose its relative preferred position if the interest diminishes. Along these lines, key venture is a main consideration that impacts benefit augmentation (Kotler Keller, 2009). In an ideal market, the expense of promotions doesn't influence request. Consequently, client worth and fulfillment will improve item request (Noble Kumar, 2008). The highlights of the ideal market structure incorporate ho mogenous item, new contestants, zero ventures, and market elements. Therefore, value separation won't influence item request. The reenactment practice uncovered that successful tasks, inspiration, client relationship, corporate citizenship, and great business morals improve the estimation of a firm’s item. Thus, shoppers realize the market patterns and condition. In an ideal market structure, clients control the interest for a specific item or administration. Along these lines, administrators can improve client relations to create benefit. Client the executives must be moved up to reflect advertise patterns. A fulfilled customer will return for a similar item or service.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on The Tata Simulation explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The reproduction practice represents the advantages of key market data (Grant, 1991). In this manner, benefit augmentation relies upon the showcasing procedure. Business officials can define the promoting showy utilizing key reenactment works out. In this manner, key advertising and tasks decide the upper hand of an association (Grant, 1991). The reenactment game uncovered the significance of business procedures, and item esteem. From the examination, we uncovered that collusion, framework overhaul, client esteem, brand esteem, item separation, and value system impacts benefit amplification. Therefore, organization administrators must update their framework to line up with showcase patterns. References Chang, W. Weng, S. (2012). Returning to client esteem by guaging e-administration utilization. Diary of Computer Information Systems, 21(1), 41-49. Dibb, S. (2002). Showcasing arranging best practice. The Marketing Review Journal, 2(1), 441-450. Award, M. (1991). The asset based hypothesis of upper hand: Implications for procedure definition. California Management Review, 33(3), 122-345. Jedidi, K., Mela, F., Gupta, S. (1999). Overseeing publicizing and advancement for since quite a while ago run benefit. Advertising Science Journal, 18(1), 1-22. Kotler, P. Keller, L. (2009). A structure for advertising the board (fourth ed.). Upper Saddler, NJ: Pearson Education.Advertising Searching for appraisal on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Honorable, H. Kumar, M. (2008). Utilizing item configuration deliberately to make further customer associations. Business Horizons, 51(2), 441-450. Watchman, M. (2012). The five serious powers that shape technique: In HBR’s 10 must peruses on methodology. Financial matters Journal, 7(1), 537-560 Porter, M. (2013). The five serious powers that shape technique. Cambridge, USA: Harvard Business Publishing Video. Rothaermel, F. (2012). Key administration ideas. Irwin, USA: McGraw-Hill. This appraisal on The Tata Simulation was composed and put together by client Mikayla Cline to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How to Put Your Education to Work on Your Resume

How to Put Your Education to Work on Your Resume Have you spent the past few years studying a degree? If you can still remember the sleepless nights at the library, you’ll be happy to know it has been for nothing. You can â€" and you should â€" put your education to work on your resume and use it to land your dream job.Now, you don’t even need to have gone to a top university to do that. In fact, you can utilize your education no matter how little or much you have it.In this post, you’ll learn about the priority when it comes to experience over education, the way to format and present different academic backgrounds, how to deal with a lack of strong educational background and what are the mistakes to avoid when writing your education segment. WHAT’S THE PRIORITY?One of the key questions surrounding resumes is whether education matters more than experience or is it the other way around. This is an important question to settle because it changes how you format and construct your resume.Now, in order to answer the question and to ultimately put your education to work on your resume successfully, you need to determine your situation. There are three different scenarios at play influencing the decision.The three scenarios and how they weigh on the education or experience debate are as follows:You are a recent graduateIf you’ve just come out of school or you are just finishing up your degree, your educational background is most likely stronger than your experience. If you’ve been a full-time student, you wouldn’t have much work experience aside from perhaps summer jobs and a few internship.On the other hand, you have a fresh degree in your pocket and a ‘career’ in school, which you can talk about.So, if you are a re cent or current graduate, you most likely want to emphasize your education.You are a seasoned professionalIf you are currently working and you have an extensive work history behind you, the academic life is probably quite far behind you. Those who’ve been working for the past five or more years will want to emphasize these accomplishments and experiences.The reason is not necessarily that their education would in any way be irrelevant. But it’s easier to highlight the skills you might have learned at school with real work experience â€" it shows you’ve put what you’ve learned to actual use.It’s also about time. Your most recent behavior and experience can tell a lot more to the hiring manager about how you’d perform in the role. It’s the most recent look at your strengths and your education from way back might not be quite as revealing.There is one exception here and that’s career in scientific and technical fields. Even with a strong work history, employers are stil l slightly more interested in your academic background because it plays such as important role in your career.Therefore, for a seasoned professional with a lot of job history, experience should take centre stage over education in the resume.You’ve changing careersNow, it might be that you’re in the midst of a career change. Perhaps you have gone back to school and obtained another degree, relevant to the new role you want to get. In this case, you will want to prioritize education over experience. This is because your experience might not be directly relevant to the new industry â€" however, with your education you can show you’ve made the transition.However, if you are looking for a career change without any re-education, you’ll still probably want to emphasize your experience. Now it’s just about showing the transferable skills you have to take with you to the new role.In the event of a career change, you’d want to consider whether you have any new education to back up your change or if you’d be better at outlining your experience.So, as a rule of thumb, if you have a lot of work experience, it will triumph your education. But if you don’t yet have a rich history of experience, you can always get your education to work for you. It is possible to present yourself as the right candidate for any role with a strong education segment. HOW SHOULD THE EDUCATION SECTION LOOK?So, what does the education segment look like? How should you start building it? A lot depends on your education background. Let’s start with two of the most common credentials you might talk about. These are:Your university or other higher level education.Your high school or other secondary education.The information to include about your university or other higher-level educationYou should start with your possible university degree or other higher-level education. The information to include when listing your degrees is:The type of degree and the subject studied. This should al so include the level of study.The name of the institution and its location. There’s no need for the full address.The year of graduation.Here are two formatting options for you to use:Education  2015 MA in English Literature University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA2010 BA in Politics Harvard University, Cambridge, MAEducation  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA MA in English Literature Graduated in 2015Harvard University, Cambridge, MA BA in Politics Graduated in 2010These three are the must-have information you need. However, you can also add optional information, especially if you feel it’s relevant to the job position and helpful in terms of showing your value to the organization. This additional information can include:The grade you achieved.Any awards, honors, coursework, extracurricular activities and publications you might have done and achieved as part of the specific degree/time at the institution.Here are a few formatting examples for you to look at:Educat ion2015 MA in English Literature University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 4.0 GPAEducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA MA in English Literature Graduated in 2015 with 4.0 GPAEducation2015 MA in English Literature University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Relevant coursework: Business Communication, Thesis on Small Business Marketing Extracurricular activities: President of the Debating SocietyNow, in terms of the grades, it’s always best to list the honors rather than the GPA score you received (especially if you graduated with great honors). It’s more prestigious and therefore, matters more to the employer than your grades. Here’s an example for listing your honors:EducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Honours in MA in English Literature, Magna Cum LaudeEducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA MA in English Literature Recipient of English Literature HonoursThe information to include about your high school or other secondary educationIf you are relying on your education section (instead of work experience), you might also want to include information regarding your high school or other secondary education. This might also be your highest level of education and you can outline it in your resume with these simple tips.The information you should include for each institution is:School name and its location. Again, no need to add the full address.The year of graduation.Just like with the university degree, you can also list any honors, awards and extracurricular activities you feel are relevant to the role.Here are two examples of what your segment might look like with the above information in mind:EducationStrawberry Fields High School, Strawberry Fields, PA Graduated in 2005EducationStrawberry Fields High School, Strawberry Fields, PA Graduated in 2005 Extracurricular activities: Student Representative in the School Council, Maths Tutor for first year studentsWhat if you didn’t graduate or you’re still studying?Now, you might be faced with two scenarios when it comes to building your resume with the above in mind. First, you might have left school without graduation. The other scenario is that you’re applying for jobs while you’re still studying. How do you include this incomplete information to your resume?In these scenarios, you want to list both your university or high school education. But instead of saying when you graduated, you just talk about the years of attendance. For example, you would outline your education like this:EducationStrawberry Fields High School, Strawberry Fields, PA Attended school from 2004-2006EducationHarvard University, Cambridge, MA 2009-2010 Completed 50 credits towards BA in PoliticsStrawberry Fields High School, Strawberry Fields, PA Graduated in 2005Furthermore, if you attended university or are still at university, you can also include any relevant credits you might have already obtained. For example, you can write:EducationHarvard University , Cambridge, MA 2009-2010 Completed 50 credits towards BA in PoliticsEducationHarvard University, Cambridge, MA BA in Politics in ProgressEducationHarvard University, Cambridge, MA BA in Politics Expected Graduation in 2018You can also talk about any other relevant coursework and achievements you’ve obtained during your time. Perhaps you received a stipend or you took special courses that would be relevant to the position you’re applying to.Now, if you are still studying, then you should also include the expected year of graduation, as in the above example. Don’t include any expected grades at this point â€" speculation doesn’t look that good.Quick formatting rulesWith the above in mind, here are the quick formatting guidelines to follow when editing your education segment:Your highest degree should always go first. Your PhD trumps your second Bachelor’s Degree, even if the latter is more recent.The rest in reverse-chronological order from the most recent to the latest.If you’ve finished higher secondary education, you don’t need to mention your lower school levels at all.WHAT IF YOU’RE EDUCATION BACKGROUND IS LACKING IN CREDENTIALS?The above tips and examples will help you create a beautiful education segment that works for your benefit. But you might still be feeling a little concerned. Perhaps you don’t have enough substance â€" perhaps your education background is patchy and shaky. What can you do?It is possible to create a strong education segment even when you don’t have much to show. You don’t need to worry or think you are doomed â€" there are always ways to make your resume stand out.If you don’t have a lot of things to talk about and you feel the education segment lacks substance, you can instead include a different segment. This is called the “Professional Development” section. It’s a good alternative for those who’ve struggled to get through official academic institutions and gain degrees.So, what to include in your “Professional Development” section? You need to include information like:List of courses you’ve taken â€" You don’t need to include just full degrees but you can mention any courses you’ve taken and passed during your time. This can also include online courses or other such individual courses you’ve attended.Training you’ve been part of â€" You might also have trained in certain relevant ways. For example, you might have trained as first aid person or attended a training course for managers and you can list these in this segment whether they’ve been official or not.Seminars and conferences you’ve attended â€" You should also list any seminars or conferences you’ve attended. It’s especially good if you’ve spoken in these or taken part of the workshops.The idea here is to show your passion towards the industry and your relevant knowledge about the field. You essentially want to show that despite not having official academic qualifications, you’ve still been o btaining information and training to perform well in the role. It’s just about showing that willingness to work hard.Now, here the important point is to include relevant information. You don’t want to list courses or seminars that don’t have anything to do with the position you’re applying to. The whole point of a resume is to show why you’re the best person for that role. Whether it is listing your academic institutions or your online courses, the key is to always ensure they show your match for the role â€" it’s not just a meaningless list of things you’ve done.Here’s an example of the segment:Professional DevelopmentCertified Associate in Project Management, 2009Attended Leadership Seminar Training in Cambridge, 200830 Credits in Open University Management Course, 2006WHAT ARE THE MISTAKES TO AVOID?The above tips and tricks will help you focus on your education in a positive light. You will be able to present your education as a strength and benefit. By following the tips, you should create a clean and crisp section for education upon which to build your resume.However, you need to avoid a few things when putting your education to work on your resume. These can destroy all the good aspects of your education segment and end up ruining your resume â€" the hiring manager won’t enjoy reading the education segment but rather cringes to it.So, if you want to avoid mistakes and problems with your resume, you need to keep a few things in mind. The most important rules to follow are to:Never lie or fabricate things. Everything on your resume should be the truth but it’s especially important to speak the truth about your education. Attendance, graduation and even scores are all knowledge your potential employer can check â€" if you fabricate the information, you’ll end up hurting yourself more. As the above shows, it’s not the end of the world if your education background is patchy and less-than-perfect. You can present it in a better way to m ake up for these problems but if you lie, you will set yourself up for failure in the job hunt.Always reverse the order. Your education segment should always start with the most recent institution and degree. Even if certain achievements or schools might look better, you need to list the things in reversed chronological order.Only include relevant information. If your education background is extensive and you have attended a range of schools and taken many courses, you can limit the list to the relevant information. If you’ve obtained a vocational degree in animal care, but you are applying for a marketing position, you definitely don’t have to mention this degree â€" given that you have other more relevant qualifications.Add a separate section for honors and achievements if needed. If you have achieved a lot of awards and honors during your academic career, you might want to consider adding a separate section for these.THE BOTTOM LINEEveryone can put their education to work on their resume. The key is to strike a balance between your education and your experience and harness the one that’s more beneficial in your case. Furthermore, you need to include relevant information â€" researching that job description is important because it helps you understand your strengths regarding the role.Don’t be afraid if your education history isn’t perfect â€" your resume doesn’t have to reveal it all. You can include as much or as little information as you want â€" just make it work with the above tips.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Analysis Of I Wanna Be Loved By You - 957 Words

RUNNING HEAD: Close Analysis of I Wanna be Loved by You ABSTRACT: Some Like it Hot is a period comedy movie from 1959 that depicts the story of two men who witnessed a crime and are forced to dress as women to avoid punishment from mafia gangsters. The extract chosen for close analysis is a performance by the character Sugar Kane, singing I Wanna be Loved by You in front of a large audience. The analysis will follow a primarily fundamentalist approach focusing on the mise-en-scene and cinematography of the scene, and discuss how this relates to the main themes of the film, in particular the issue of gender. The initial portion of the extract is focused entirely on Sugar Kane, with all eyes drawn to her. The choice of clothing by†¦show more content†¦The static long shot is also used as a type of POV shot, where the audience at home is seeing the performance through the eyes of those attending the concert. Furthermore, her song finishes with a large round of applause from the audience, and this confirms her popularity. An affectionate connection is established between Joe and Jerry towards Sugar Kane, and they are unable to concentrate on their performance. The music continues to play during this sequence in a diegetic manner but, as an instrumental takes place, the focus is shifted to Joe and Jerry’s attempts to remain ‘in character’ as women. The decision to shift the music from the focal point of the scene to background music is done to ensure there is no discontinuity, and the music serves as both the focal point and a prop at different times. The interaction between a waiter and Joe and Jerry suggests that their cross dressing has not been noted by others, as both the waiter and a customer provide flowers for the two men under the pretence that they are female, despite displaying a series of male mannerisms. The display of male mannerisms is to indicate that both Joe and Jerry, or Daphne and Josephine as they were playing in this scene, are struggling to adapt to their new chosen gender and have remind each other of conventional female behaviour. There is a display of sexismShow MoreRelatedLone Survivor Character Analysis Essay1516 Words   |  7 PagesZac Mayo Ms. Mastro English 4A 20 November 2017 Literary Analysis Paper Ways the Tone Changed in Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell’s Lone Survivor analyzes the tone of the novel as the protagonist moves from childhood to civilian life. The three main ways that the tone changed throughout the novel were... going through camp/ training, fighting for the decision of life or death, and transitioning back to the normal life in Houston, Texas. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

Success Is The Most Misunderstood Driver Of Performance

Some popular theories claim that the amount a person is paid determines how well that person produces and performs. However, new research suggests that there are more variables at play pertaining to peak performance and link an employee’s happiness to his or her productivity and a company’s success. Research indicates that performance on nearly every level—productivity, creativity, and engagement—improves when people cultivate and work with a positive mind-set. According to Shawn Achor, the author of The Happiness Advantage, â€Å"Happiness is perhaps the most misunderstood driver of performance. For one, most people believe that success precedes happiness. ‘Once I get a promotion, I’ll be happy,’ they think. Or, ‘Once I hit my sales target, I’ll feel great.’ But because success is a moving target—as soon as you hit your target, you raise it again—the happiness that results from success is fleeting.â⠂¬  Achor explains that when employees develop a positive mind-set, they become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work. He has observed this effect in his role as a researcher and lecturer in 48 countries on the connection between employee happiness and success. In a study at the University of Warwick, economists discovered employees who were happy increased their productivity by 12%, while unhappy workers were 10% less productive. The Warwick research team stated: We find that human happiness has large and positive causal effects onShow MoreRelatedCustomer Success Manager : A Chicago Based Startup Essay1430 Words   |  6 Pagesreference is a Chicago-based startup that provides an online private-parking marketplace connecting drivers in need of parking with parking-spot owners who have underutilized spaces. The product is an online mobile platform available on its website or for download through the app store. In its simplest form, the company allows owners to list their unused parking spots for rent on the platform and drivers to rent those spots on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis. The founder and CEO has experience developingRead MoreDe Tomaso Pantera The Value Priced Supercar From Ford958 Words   |  4 Pagest have to go to Maranello Italy to get one, because Ford made the car available at your local Lincoln Mercury dealer. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Object-oriented Programming and Data Member Free Essays

Lab Task Q1: Create a class that includes a data member that holds a â€Å"serial number† for each object created from the class. That is, the first object created will be numbered 1, the second 2, and so on. To do this, you’ll need another data member that records a count of how many objects have been created so far. We will write a custom essay sample on Object-oriented Programming and Data Member or any similar topic only for you Order Now (This member should apply to the class as a whole; not to individual objects. What keyword specifies this? ) Then, as each object is created, its constructor can examine this count member variable to determine the appropriate serial number for the new object. Add a member function that permits an object to report its own serial number. Then write a main() program that creates three objects and queries each one about its serial number. They should respond I am object number 2, and so on. Use copy constructor for this task both deep and shallow copy. Q2: Create a class calculator. It would have two data members, both integer types. There would be four functions add(), sub(), mul() and div(). The mul() and div() functions would be friend functions. Create four objects of the class. Also use copy constructor both shallow and deep copy. There would be a static data member which would count the number of objects. Q3: Create a class GPACalculator. This class would have gpa, cgpa, sessionalMarks, midMarks and finalMarks data members. There would be two functions calculateGPA() and calculateCGPA(). calculateCGPA() would be friend function. You need to create an array of GPACalculator class. The array would be of 5. You also need to give the user option of whether he wants to calculate gpa or cgpa. The grades are as follows: 50 and 53 and 57 and 61 and 64 and 68 and 72 and 75 and 80 and 86 and How to cite Object-oriented Programming and Data Member, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Competitive Analysis Section - Fitness Club free essay sample

Competitive Analysis The health club industry has continued to see an increase in the amount of health clubs/fitness centers. Since 1992, the United States has seen the number of health clubs increased by almost 40 percent, from 12,635 to 17,531 facilities. It has also seen an increase in membership by almost 60 percent, from 20. 8 million to 32. 8 million. What this all means for Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC is that the market is ever growing which translates to more competition. Most fitness centers offer a variety of services to address the needs and convenience of the customers.Some of these services includes personal trainers, facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, and programs that cater to mostly every demographic. Fun 4 Life Fitness will seek to have a competitive edge by providing customers with stellar customer service along with offering a variety of programs and equipment that is sure to develop a following for Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC. Key Competitors The key competitors that have fitness centers in the Corpus Christi area are Gold’s Gym, Freedom Fitness of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Snap Fitness Center, and Corpus Christi Athletic Club. Gold’s Gym specializes in providing some of the best cardio and strength equipment to help people realize their goals. Some of their strengths include the programs they offer, their personal trainer staff, and most importantly, the Gold’s Gym brand name. They have built up a reputation for being one of the first innovative fitness centers. They have been around for more than 45 years. There are some weaknesses that exist for this particular Gold’s Gym. Weaknesses include complaints about the cleanliness of their facility and the brand name Gold’s Gym.Although Gold’s Gym is poplar and have a strong reputation, sometimes there are cases where a customer may have had a bad experience. This bad experience could lead to a customer feeling like all Gold’s Gyms are bad. Freedom Fitness of Corpus Christi has been around since 2004. They are still relatively new to the health club industry market. They possess several strengths which include inexpensive membership fees, friendly customer service staff, and a â€Å"no contracts† policy. One weakness of Freedom Fitness is the complaints that some past and current members have concerning the automatic debit and how those transactions are handled.Another weakness is that most fitness centers today possess a swimming pool and Freedom Fitness does not have one of these. Corpus Christi Athletic Club is touted as being the one of the largest, if not the largest fitness center in Corpus Christi. It is said that the Corpus Christi Athletic Club offers more under their roof than any other fitness center facility in South Texas. Their strengths are many and it includes having a large facility that offers indoor and outdoor fitness amenities, diverse offerings for demographics of people, and free babysitting service with planned activities. There are some weaknesses for the Corpus Christi Athletic Club. One major weakness would be the numerous complaints concerning the customer service (rude and obnoxious). Another weakness, although it could be looked at as strength, is the size of such a facility. For some people, this could intimidating and too public. There are many people who would prefer workout at a facility that does not have as many people. A third weakness would be that the membership fees are expensive. This leads many people to choosing other fitness facilities in spite of all the offerings the Corpus Christi Athletic Club can provide. Corpus Christi Snap Fitness Center is considered to be one of the best fitness facilities where customers feel â€Å"you get your money’s worth† here. The facilities itself is not huge like some others are, but some of their strengths such as 24-hour access, rewards programs, personal trainers, and membership fees make up for it. The weaknesses for Corpus Christi Snap Fitness Center is that they lack a swimming pool in their facility and the marketing of they offer does not mention kids programs as much as other fitness centers in the area do. SWOTHere is a look at SWOT analysis for the Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC: StrengthsWeaknesses Flexible HoursNew company to market Latest and well-maintained equipmentNo brand image yet Additional complementary services offeredNon-existent customer base Well-trained staff Opportunities Threats Increased number of Corporate Wellness ProgramsLots of local competitors Demand for more time efficient workouts for those with tight sche dulesCurrent and short-term future forecasts of economy Increased health conscious population Focus on youth programsThe financial operations of the business has been selected and chosen with having an expertise in the skill of price leading/lagging in the market will benefit the business. Indirect Competitors Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC does not foresee there being a lot of indirect competitors. There a few indirect competitors that the business will monitor and look out for: Community Fitness Centers are those places such as YMCA’s, Recreation Centers, and etc. that provide certain amenities at an affordable cost and convenience to prospective customers. College Recreation Centers can take away customers that fit in the demographic age of 18-30 in that most people in this age group would prefer to workout with individuals in the same age range. Medical-Affiliated Fitness Centers would offer a facility for those individuals who are seeking rehab, physical therapy, or more one-on-one individualized training. Jamba Juice Store provides healthy blended beverages to customers. The brand name that has already been established is great. Among the products they offer are a variety of smoothies and fruit juices, salads, sandwiches, and etc.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Alliance Management At Forbes Marshall Essays

Alliance Management At Forbes Marshall Essays Alliance Management At Forbes Marshall Essay Alliance Management At Forbes Marshall Essay This report will highlight why FM chose to engage in alliances instead Of acquisitions as its primary method Of creating a competitive advantage as an innovative global manufacturing firm. Horizontal integration strategies offer certain similar advantages but have various differences that are attractive to companies depending on their objectives and ultimately their risk appetite. Strategic alliances and acquisitions both lead to operational synergies, increased market penetration, access to human capital, decreased competition and potential for greater profitability. However, in the case of FM, the company relied very heavily on alliances due to a number of reasons mentioned below and is also highlighted in Appendix A (Comparative Analysis of Acquisitions and Alliances): 1) Decreased Risk Capital- Risk Capital is defined as the capital that cant be recovered if the company goes bankrupt. FM has absolutely no exposure to their partners risk capital through horizontal integration as it allows them to sell products and reap the benefits as one entity but not be exposed to any potential suffering due to the others financial performance. Strategic alliances make it a lot easier to walk away from if the worst-case scenario were to occur, not only mitigating risk factors UT also eliminating downside risk as a whole. It becomes an alternate to vertical integration, without the problematic bureaucratic costs from inefficient production processes and lack technological progress within a very static company. Mergers through vertical integration may expose a company to reap all the benefits from the acquisition, however it also implies that the company inherits the risks involved. Fem. strategic alliance with Kronor is a great example as through the horizontal integration, FM does not have any control nor are they affected financially by the way Kronor operates in the German markets. This leads on to another strategic implication called due diligence. FM didnt have to conduct a very extensive due diligence prior to their alliances making the process of forming joint ventures significantly easier and a lot quicker proving beneficial for both entities involved. ) Increased Market penetration- Existing customer segments, brand loyalty, demand for existing products are some of the advantages of forming alliances in new markets. Alliances provided FM the opportunity to leverage an already existing brand in the market and capitalize on their profitability on unique and innovative products sold in the market. This can be directly related to attributes of the Fem. transnational strategy of gaining a competitive advantage through alliances in different markets thereby increasing their market penetration and brand recognition in India and Abroad. For example, the joint venture with Spiral allowed FM to capitalize on Spiral competitive advantage of providing products that would enable Indian companies save energy. By employing a localized customer oriented product offering, FM managed to compete with companies like Thermal Ltd ND Armstrong International that only brought foreign made products for sale in India. This reduced industry rivalry by portraying FM as a company that is a lot larger in size, enabling it to penetrate further into the market since their competitors werent customer focused at all. ) Retain Individual Operational Control and Cultural Differences: FM used alliances to grow as a unified business force in the global market by providing a diverse range of products tailored to specific customer needs, all while maintaining its individual core values and unique practices. Conducting any type of merger in NY foreign market exposes the companies involved to a variety of differences in cultural and operational matt ers across different borders. Through forming strategic alliances, FM collaborated conducted operations with companies that share the same core values without educate themselves on the different cultural norms these companies face with their specific customer segments. A number of important competences were gained from these alliances that FM previously lacked strengthening the company as a leader in Marketing and Sales, Logistics, and ultimately customer satisfaction. Although these synergies would have still been present through an acquisition, an alliance was more favorable as they didnt force the entities involved to change culturally or operationally, but allowed them to voluntarily improve their operational competencies and strengthen their competitive advantage. From a strategic perspective, this worked out very well, since customer preferences werent affected by these joint ventures, and demand for entity specific products continued to grow. ) Operational Synergies- For FM, reaching out to an international customer base, benefits from economies call through production, and learning innovative competences were the primary reason why they engaged in alliances. For example, FM gained a significant portion of Cadets technological expertise from the joint venture with Code, all while providing Coded with the enhanced opportunity to economically conduct business in India. An acquisition would also provide similar benefits but there is no certaint y that the operational synergies would stay the same after. Refer to Appendix B for key competencies gained from Fem. alliances. 5) Lower Costs Structure This strategic decision implemented y FM to keep the location of production in India while also engaging in a variety of business activities worldwide led to large growth and dominant success as a differentiated multinational company. The economic benefits that arose from continuing the value creation activity of research, development, and mainly production in the local plant situated in India were tremendous. One of the biggest advantages of forming alliances was an increased bargain power with suppliers that allowed FM to reduce costs for direct materials since they company can get volume discounts from being a argue buyer. Furthermore, forming alliances allowed FM to focus on continuing to reap the economic benefits such increased market power, lower product costs and production efficiency, while having newly ventured partners reap the benefits of on extracting the most out of their newly entered profitable Indian Markets. ) Differentiated Value Proposition and Customer Offering- FM enhanced the quality of its core business products by employing the strategies used by the companies they partnered with, thereby allowing them to strengthen their differentiated value proposition. For example, FM used the alliance with Kronor to develop several good practices in R and manufacturing that ultimately allowed it to be represented as the producers of the most accurate flow meter in the world. Acquisitions On the other hand do provide the same benefits, however they come with the added risk of ownership to the brand and thereby exposing the company to risks associated with fluctuating demand for products not necessarily in the parents line of expertise. To conclude, this report indicated that the benefits achieved through alliances re a lot more favorable when compared to acquisitions. It is not certain that Forbes Marshall engaged in numerous strategic alliances with in intentions of growing as a differentiated company that provided solutions tailored to customer needs and expectations. Instead of being an imported/exporter of products and innovations through their ventures, FM managed to capitalize on the expertise and competencies of the companies they ventured With and ultimately became a global leader in process efficiency and energy conservation. Appendix A -? Comparative Analysis of Alliances Vs. Acquisitions

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Important Oedipus Rex Quotes Explained

5 Important Oedipus Rex Quotes Explained Oedipus Rex  (Oedipus the King) is a famous play by the great ancient Greek tragedian  Sophocles. The play was first performed around 429 BCE and is part of a trilogy of plays which also include Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus. In a nutshell, the play tells the story of Oedipus, a man doomed from birth as a result of a prophecy which states that he will murder his father and marry his mother. Despite his familys attempts to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled, Oedipus still falls prey to fate. The simple plot of the play can be easily summed up in just five key quotes. Oedipus Rex has influenced artists and thinkers around the world for more than two millennia. Its the basis for  Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytical theory, appropriately named the Oedipus complex; as Freud notes of Oedipus in his seminal work The Interpretation of Dreams: His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours- because the oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father. Our dreams convince us that this is so. Setting the Scene Ah! my poor children, known, ah, known too well,The quest that brings you hither and your need.Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain,How great soever yours, outtops it all. Oedipus exclaims these sympathetic words at the beginning of the play to the people of Thebes. The city is beset with a plague and many of Oedipuss citizens are sick and dying. These words paint Oedipus as a compassionate and empathetic ruler. This image, juxtaposed with Oedipuss dark and twisted past, revealed later in the play, makes his downfall even more striking. Greek audiences at the time were already familiar with the story of Oedipus; thus Sophocles skillfully added these lines for dramatic irony. Oedipus Reveals His Paranoia and Hubris The trusty Creon, my familiar friend,Hath lain in wait to oust me and subornedThis mountebank, this juggling charlatan,This tricksy beggar-priest, for gain aloneKeen-eyed, but in his proper art stone-blind.Say, sirrah, hast thou ever proved thyselfA prophet? When the riddling Sphinx was hereWhy hadst thou no deliverance for this folk?And yet the riddle was not to be solvedBy guess-work but required the prophets artWherein thou wast found lacking; neither birds nor sign from heaven helped thee, but I came.The simple Oedipus; I stopped her mouth. This speech by Oedipus reveals a lot about his personality. A clear contrast from the first quote, Oedipus tone here shows that he is paranoid, has a short temper, and is pompous. Whats happening is that Teiresias, a prophet, refuses to tell Oedipus who the murderer of King Laius (Oedipuss father) is. A bewildered Oedipus reacts by angrily taunting Teiresias for being stone-blind, a charlatan, a beggar-priest, and so on. He also accuses Creon, the person who brought Teiresias, for planning this perplexing scene in an attempt to undermine Oedipus. He then continues to belittle Teiresias by saying how useless the old prophet, as it was Oedipus who defeated the Sphinx who terrorized the city.   Teiresias Reveals the Truth Of the children, inmates of his home,He shall be proved the brother and the sire,Of her who bare him son and husband both,Co-partner, and assassin of his sire. Provoked by Oedipuss offensive words, Teiresias finally hints at the truth. He reveals that not only is Oedipus the murderer of Laius, but he is both brother and [father] to his children, both son and husband to his wife, and the assassin of his [father]. This is the first piece of information Oedipus gets in discovering how he unwittingly committed incest and patricide. A humbling lesson- Sophocles shows how Oedipus hot temper and hubris provoked Teiresias and set his own downfall in motion.    Oedipus Tragic Downfall Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud,Wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud.Ah me, ah me! What spasms athwart me shoot,What pangs of agonizing memory? In a grotesque scene, Oedipus screams these lines after he blinds himself. At this point, Oedipus has realized that he indeed killed his father and slept with his mother. He is unable to cope with the truth after he has been blind to it for so long, and so symbolically blinds himself physically. Now, all Oedipus can see is darkness, like a shroud. The Conclusion of One Story and Beginning of the Next Though I cannot behold you, I must weepIn thinking of the evil days to come,The slights and wrongs that men will put upon you.Whereer ye go to feast or festival,No merrymaking will it prove  for you Oedipus utters these words to his daughters, Antigone and Ismene, at the end of the play before being cast out of the city. The introduction of these two characters foreshadows the plot  of another famous play by Sophocles, Antigone.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Culture and Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Culture and Organisations - Essay Example However, it is true that national and cultural boundaries often overlap each other and most countries have their own culture. However, there are various typologies created by scholars that help connect cultural differences to national boundaries. The term ‘cultural distance’ can be used to show the difference that exists between two cultures. At this stage, it is worth remembering the Convergence Hypothesis which states that the combination of technology and economics is making countries more alike. For such a huge group of companies like Mitsubishi, this seems correct to a great extent. However, there is the Divergence Hypothesis which states that despite all the developments, countries will exhibit certain distinctive characteristics. There are two key cultural issues that require special attention. They are cultural etiquette, and cultural stereotypes. The former means the manners and behaviour that are expected in a given situation while the latter indicates beliefs about others, their attitudes and behaviour. The different identifiable layers of culture are ethnicity, industry, demography, and ideology. It is very evident that three of these factors except industry can have serious impact on the policies of a company. It is very evident that international business, to a great extent, is affected by culture. First of all, it can affect the way companies make strategic moves. Thus, culture directly influences important corporate decisions. Thirdly, culture is the easiest way through which motivation can be instilled. Thus, management, decision making, and negotiations are all influenced by culture. The company in concern The company in analysis here is Mitsubishi. In fact, Mitsubishi is a group of companies, and the number of companies under the label is around 400. In addition, there are many more Mitsubishi companies that do not have the name ‘Mitsubishi’ with them. The company was started by Yataro Iwasaki in the year 1870, and i t was initially a shipping company. Later on, the founder spread the business into banking, shipbuilding, mining, and insurance too. With the large number of independently operating business under one roof, the company has developed a special kind of working culture. All the members companies share the same founding management philosophy, and cooperate in areas of common interest. It is really surprising to note that the company has its operations in Asia, North America, Central and Latin America, Europe, Oceania, Micronesia, Middle East, and Africa. It is very evident that managing such a great organisation strictly following the philosophies of good human resource management is a tremendous task. As a result, it is quite natural that the company, at times, may face issues related to human resource management. However, the success of the company, to a great extent, is dependent on how the company manages the issues, and what further steps are taken by the company to prevent the occ urrence of the same kind of issues further. The problem in concern A few years ago, in 2003, the Mitsubishi Bank acquired the Tokyo Bank. However, the merger was not a cakewalk, because there was much dissimilarity in the nature of both the organisations. First of all, the employees of Mitsubishi bank were used to reporting for their duty in time. In addition they were used to wearing uniform, especially white shirts, at work. In addition, they used to thank their

Monday, February 3, 2020

Character description of Elizabeth from the novel book Pride and Essay

Character description of Elizabeth from the novel book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Essay Example At a ball, Lizzy Bennet is insulted by Mr.Darcy, when he refuses Mr.Bingely's offer of an introduction to her. But Lizzy reports this slight to her friends in jest. Her playful and easy going nature are revealed by this incident. When Lizzy and Jane are discussing Mr.Bingely's sisters, Lizzy shows herself to be very observant. Also according to the author, her judgment is not troubled by any self absorption and her temper is also not as pliant as her sister's. Lizzy's physical appearance is described as being light and pleasing by Mr.Darcy. Though he initially remarks that there is not one pleasing feature in her face, he admits that the intelligence in her dark eyes have a charm all their own which renders her face intelligent. Her manners are also said to be playful if not exactly fashionable. After his initial dislike, Mr.Darcy reverses his opinion and tries to get to know her better. But Lizzy sticks to her initial opinion of him and refuses to give him a chance. She is sarcastic in conversation with him and assumes that he is continuing to judge her poorly, not being aware of the reversal in his opinion. Sometime later an invitation arrives, asking Miss Jane to come to tea at Netherfield, the residence of Mr.Bingely. Due to a mishap she falls ill and is forced to stay the night.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Whatever You Are Be A Good One English Literature Essay

Whatever You Are Be A Good One English Literature Essay A good narrator has the ability to distance himself from the rest of the audience and to be able to describe things in detail. While the narrator inThe Great Gatsby; Nick Caraway, refrains from going into detail about his personal thoughts, he does however, explain the book in great detail. At the beginning of the book, Nick describes what happens to Gatsby in a general synopsis which shows to the reader how literate Nick is. Nick, like many characters in The Great Gatsby battles between internal and external forces which shows the conflicts he goes through throughout the book. The battle between his morals and the unnatural people in the book is a major theme that occurs throughout. However, as a narrator inThe Great Gatsby, can Nick be considered a reliable narrator? Nick Caraway is a reliable and suitable narrator because of the amount of detail he goes into, his non-judgemental honest, and tolerant attitude which makes him a trustworthy character. And as the novel progresses, he faces inner and external battles with himself and those around him showing that he is rational and a natural character.In the first few pages alone, F Scott Fitzgerald was able to portray how literate Nick is and how he is a suitable narrator. The ability of Nick to describe the events that take place around him in an unrushed, logical manner shows that Nick is a reliable narrator.Nick describes the novel in great detail, allowing the reader to picture what hesees and how he feels. He found the house, a weather-beaten [cardboard bungalow] at eighty a month (Fitzgerald 9). Within the first few pages, Nick easily describes what his house looks like and the living conditions that hes in. I enjoyed looking at her. She was a slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body. Her grey sun-strained eyes looked back at me [with a charming, discontented face] (Fitzgerald16). It seems that Nick is talented in describing every detail that he sees, and during this meeting between Nick, Daisy, Tom and the ever-so-charming Jordan Baker, provides a Nick an insight into the type of lives that Daisy, Tom and Jordan actually live. With this insight, the reader insinuates that Nick feels an awkw ardness in the conversation; as if Daisy, Tom and Jordan are trying very hard to keep themselves and their guest Nick, entertained that is, until dinner is served. They were here, [making only a polite pleasant effort to entertain or be entertained]. They knew that presently dinner would be over and a little later the evening too would be over and casually put away (Fitzgerald 16). The quote also indicates how Nick can pick up on small details and uses them to understand what is going on. This ability allows Nick and the reader to completely understand what is going on at all times in the novel. Fitzgerald portrays the symbols in the novel through the narrator Nick, who is able to describe things in great detail and in an unflawed, seaming less manner. Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night.God sees everything, repeated Wilson (Fitzgerald 152). One of the major symbols in The Great Gatsby are the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, who is interpreted as the god or the one person that oversees everybody and everything they do. He is known as the one looking down and judging the American society and in the end of the novel; Fitzgerald shows through Nick that the eyes represent a sense of direction that youre currently in. To Tom, the eyes represent how he is successful and is living the American Dream; however, too Wilson, the eyes mock him and how he desperately needs to leave the valley of ash and move east. This is why he is always asking for Toms car which is his segue to a new and improved life. Nick also is able to determine how Gatsby failed to achieve the American Dream. Gatsbybelieved in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but thats no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms fartherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. And one fine morning (Fitzgerald171). He had come a lo ng way to this blue lawn and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night (Fitzgerald 171). Nick believes that Gatsby was blinded with his need to have Daisy to complete his dream. As Gatsby became closer to Daisy, he became more careless, which led to his downfall. -And it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well (Fitzgerald 133). Near the end of the novel, Nick realizes through the use of heat [which is another major symbol in the novel] that Tom and Wilson arent that different and both of them are going through the same things. The ability of Nick to determine symbols allows him to be a reliable and suitable narrator, but also his trustworthy appearance allows him to gather information t o keep the pace of the novel fast-paced. In addition to Nicks ability to describe things in detail, his trustworthy appearance allows Nick to be portrayed as the perfect narrator for The Great Gatsby.The fact that Tom allows Nick to see his mistress and meet her indicates that Tom trusts Nick. Not only does Tom trust Nick, but Gatsby also trusts him as well and its proven through their conversation when Gatsby confides in Nick about his love for Daisy. Gatsby also states how he actually gets his money and how he deals with the shady character; Mister Wolfshiem. Meyer Wolfshiem? No, hes a gambler. Gatsby hesitated, and then added coolly: Hes the man who fixed the Worlds Series back in 1919 (Fitzgerald 79). Though Nick is in disbelief when Gatsby tells him this; it proves that Nick is indeed, a trustworthy character and that Gatsby truly trusts Nick. Throughout the novel, Gatsby doesnt have much interaction with a variety of people and it means that Gatsby isnt very sociable; even though he throws huge, extravagant parties. T o emphasize, Gatsby only confides in Nick and this shows how close Nick and Gatsby truly were. We were close friends (Fitzgerald 179). It seems that not only Tom and Gatsby trust Nick, but Jordan does as well. I was bridesmaid. I came into her room half an hour before the bridal dinner, and found her lying on her bed as lovely as the June night in her flowered dress-and as drunk as a monkey. She had a bottle of sauterne in one hand and a letter in the other (Fitzgerald 82). Jordan is the driving factor for Nick to change throughout the novel. Her unnatural behavior is what attracts Nick to her and the fact that both Nick and Jordan are dating each other also proves that Jordan trusts Nick. Fitzgerald has rendered Nick as a trustworthy man in order to prove how unnatural and corrupted the people around him are. It seems that through Nick, the reader can see how Fitzgerald wants to portray how trustworthy Nick is, and the reader is able to see this because every major character in the novel somehow entrusts Nick with something significant. Because of this, Nick can be considered a reliable narrator. Nick faces internal and external battles throughout the book which states the obvious; Nick is not only a narrator in the novel, but also a character that is facing similar problems that the other characters are also going through. One of the major issues he faces is right at the beginning, which is something his father told him. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that Ive been turning over in my mind ever since.Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, he told me, just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had' (Fitzgerald 7). Throughout the novel, Nick always holds back from criticising a person, which is the one thing that makes him flawed. He misinterprets the quote from his father and believes to have some higher-moral class than everyone else around him which is the reason why he is so interested of the rich. His interest in the unnatural increases as the novel progresses and it can be seen more easi ly the more Nick interacts with them. Nick undergoes an internal battle when he first sees Gatsby. He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life (Fitzgerald 53). During his first meeting with Gatsby, Nick was astonished by Gatsby. During the party, the guests gave Nick bad vibes about Gatsby; however, he ignores them and continues to be intrigued by him. Nick knows that Gatsby is a bootlegger and a cheat, but he still enjoys his company and because of this; the morals of Nick and his ego eat at each other until the very ending where Nick decides to stay away from Gatsby evidently, its the same day that Gatsby ends up dead. In the ending, he faces external battles with everyone he sees. Gatsbys father isnt as sad as he should be and Nick thinks that Gatsbys father fails to understand that Gatsby is truly dead and never coming back. Nick tries t o find Daisy, who, with Tom, has left to go on a vacation and finds that suspicious. His relationship with Jordan has crumbled and it seems that even Meyer Wolfshiems attitude towards Gatsbys death has angered Nick. Overall, Nick battles with his inner self and those around him, supporting the claim that Nick is a reliable narrator because he is also a character in the story itself. He feels and experiences everything that occurs and because of this, Nick is an ideal narrator. Nick Carraway is a reliable narrator because of the fact that he is trustworthy, battles with his inner self and those around him and has an ability to describe the events that take place in great detail. Nick is also somewhat biased in a way, and because of this, it doesnt make him irrational, but quite the opposite. The way Fitzgerald introduces everything and how he tells the story through the character of Nick, it emphasises the symbols, the themes and even the meaning of the story and because of this, Nick Carraway is an ideal and reliable narrator in the novel The Great Gatsby.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Foxy Originals expansion into the U.S. market Essay

The problem is determining which plans for expansion is best for Foxy Originals. AnalysisKluger and Orol established Foxy Originals (Foxy) in 1998, a Toronto-based jewellery firm. By designing and manufacturing high style fashion jewelry, Foxy earned a high reputation and their sales were increasing at a fast pace success in Canada. However, based on little by little saturation of Canadian markets, Foxy realized that it was time to expand U.S. market where jewelry market was 10 times bigger than Canadian one. Since America has a huge population base, Foxy has the opportunity to obtain more customers, which in return directly lead to more sales and revenue. As a result, the highest priority was to determine which distribution plans were best for Fox. The distributions include attending trade shows, hiring sales representatives, and a combination of both. U.S. trade shows play as a medium for both seller and buyers. The main advantage of U.S. trade shows is huge buyer volume. If Kluger and Orol attend 10 potential trade shows, they can enhance brand awareness, network with potential customers, and boost sales. On the other hand, high cost and potential risks are the main concern for Foxy. Kluger and Orol need five days of preparation for each show in order to get the best display effect, as well as the high cost for booth layout. Kluger and Orol can hire sales forces as an alternative. Kluger and Orol don’t want Foxy to be available on every street corner in United States. Instead, they aim at entering to key fashion centers such as New York and Los Angeles. Sales forces are just right to solve this issue. They know how to deal with local jewelry store and existing retailers, which is what Foxy just lack of. With some specific training, sales representatives could contribute to expansion U.S. market. However, finding some suitable people is not that easy. Carrying out both methods discussed above meanwhile sounds good, but a new problem  emerges—territory ownership. For instance, Kluger and Orol had have to pay for commission fees on all sales, if Foxy came to a trade show, say, New York while hiring a New York based sales representatives in the same time. This is an industry norm, so Foxy has to follow. The partners also considered about attending the trade shows in the major fashion hubs and sending their sales representatives to some smaller cities; however, if so, that doesn’t help Foxy to establish brand awareness in the United States, as these cities are not fashion-forward. Impact AnalysisImplementing distribution methods could generate some negative impacts if Foxy decides to enter into U.S market. As a result, the main impacts would affect Foxy’s design department and the logistic department. Jewelry designed by Foxy has been approved by Canadian. However, there is uncertainty about the how responsive American customers would be. If American customers prefer other style, whether Foxy needs to play up to U.S. market by changing design style, or hiring new designers? Moreover, Foxy should pay much attention to logistics, because delivering abroad is more complicated. Foxy needs to find a reliable deliver partner who could be responsible for delivering goods on ti me. Criteria for an Effective SolutionCost/Benefit: help Kluger and Orol pick the most cost-effective one to implement. Timeline: which Plans are faster? Complexity: is that distribution strategy easy to control and implement? Degree of Risk: assess each alternatives’ degree of risk Evaluation of AlternativesCost/Benefit Timeline Complexity Degree of Risk Total Points Trade Shows 3 3 3 3 12 Sales Forces 4 4 4 4 16 Combination 2 2 2 2 8 As shown in the Appendix A, each trade show costs $9,433.33 on average. In the best-case scenario, each trade show would generate $4,145.42 profit (Appendix B); however, trade show may lose money as well in the worst-case scenario, $-3,398.33. By adding total 10 potential trade shows together, Foxy would make profit from $-33,983.30 to $41,454.20, which depends on how many orders they receive at each show. Additionally, there are 10 shows during the year, which is effectively low. Preparation is complex as well. Kluger and Orol have to book tickets, arrange time, and set up booth. Also,  high uncertainty cannot be overlooked. A delayed flight may waste all the previous efforts they put. Hiring them could be a smart move, although sales forces would be compensated with a 15% commission on all sales. In comparison with trade shows, low investment and high yield is feature of hiring sales forces. Appendix A shows that hiring one sales representative for a year just cost company $6,380.00. In the low projection, each salesman may only sell 10 orders each month so that s/he just makes $19,588.00 profit ever year. Let’s assume that they luck out selling 15 orders per month, and then each salesman can make $32,572.00 annually. Moreover, hiring sales forces is much faster than previous option. By hiring them, Kluger and Orol could spend more time on running business and designing jewellery rather than struggling with difficulties they encounter in America. At first glance, a combination of trade show and hiring sales forces seem to be a perfect alternative, but that’s not true. The annually fixed costs for this combination is $110,253.30 (Appendix B), which is almost 7 times larger than hiring sale forces. These fixed costs are not dependent on the level of goods produced by the business. If sales performance is dissatisfactory, Foxy will take a bath. Plus, Foxy would have to compensate salesmen no matter how due to spillover sales. Therefore, high cost and high risk among other alternatives are main drawback of this option, no doubt. Recommendation As consultant, I highly recommend Foxy should hire sales forces for U.S. expansion. Costs of hiring sales representatives and level of risk are the lowest among other alternatives after comparing. Besides, sales representatives’ rich experience and wide network are fortune for Foxy to enter the U.S. market. In addition, by analyzing break-even point, hiring sales forces has relatively lower B-E point, which means less complexities and low risk to carry out. Simply put, hiring sales representative has several advantages—high return, high efficiency, and low investment. Only thing needed to be taken into consideration is the process of selecting, which is actually complicated. A qualified salesman could boost sales, but an unsuitable one could try to help but causing more trouble in process. Action Plan Action By Whom When Posting Job Kluger and Orol need to identify job requirement. Then HR department should follow normal hiring procedures posting jobs at website and employment agencies. By July, 2004 Selecting Schedule interviews with candidates and rank them. After Posting Providing Training Provide training to suitable sales representative; make them familiar with Foxy’s jewelry. Before 2005 Planning and Controlling Sales representatives carry out expansion plan in U.S. market. They need to provide timely feedback in order to help Foxy compare actual results with target performance. Since 2005 Foxy should hire sales forces and provide training to them by the end of 2004. As owners, Kluger and Orol should work with HR to draft the job requirement. Timely feedback is quite important once they start implementing plan, when Foxy encounters the block from local business. Furthermore, comparing actual results with target performance, Foxy can take actions to respond to these unexpected changes.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Shortcuts to Pdf Packet College Essay Samples Only the Experts Know

Shortcuts to Pdf Packet College Essay Samples Only the Experts Know Because of this, it's imperative that you check which areas you should work on. Your application won't be considered complete until all the attachments are received. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you find yourself getting an excellent grade. Key Pieces of Pdf Packet College Essay Samples Professor Mitchell obtained a grant to have a category of students to Belgium so as to study the EU. In addition to its growing cultural and ethnic diversity, State University is turning into a master at developing a niche for each student. Graduating high school and going to college has ever been a really important goal I have always wished to realize. However, this doesn't isolate students by forcing them to work with only those people who follow their particular discipline. While in the Army, I had the excellent honor to serve with various women and men who, like me, fought to earn a difference on the planet. The Basics of Pdf Packet College Essay Samples All you have to do is tell honestly what your abilities and accomplishments are. Provide electricity and liveliness when sharing about a particular lesson you learned or an obstacle in your life and the way you could overcome it. In life overcoming obstacles is not something which is simple to do. Describe and discuss certain examples of your capacity to communicate effectively in professional situations to a wide variety of professional audiences. Get your creative juices flowing by brainstorming all the potential ideas you can imagine to deal with your e ssay question. After introducing your topic sentence, it's time to stick to the CCE format to craft the main region of the essay. Once you own a topic, it's best to make an outline of ideas. To accomplish this, brainstorm on topics which you're passionate about. In this manner, it is going to improve your efficiency in writing good essays and at the exact same time supply you with a better likelihood of producing an impressive scholarship essay if you wish to make the most of grants given to people who compose very nice and impressive essays on a particular subject. You can also see college essay. You can also see scholarship essay. Do not be concerned, EssayPro is here in order to teach our students everything they will need to learn about crafting an informative essay! To put it differently, essay writing was classified as a formal and informal type of writing. In spite of exceptional grades, a poorly written essay gives you a poor name. You might also see essay writings. You could also see essay examples. You might also see short essay. Broadly speaking, this sort of essay will compare controversial viewpoints about a specific topic. You could also see travel essay. Pdf Packet College Essay Samples: No Longer a Mystery If you don't, you may actually hurt your odds of admission. So before you place your letter in an envelope and place it in your mailbox, be certain to proofread your work. Map out what you're likely to write by creating an outline. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Pdf Packet College Essay Samples This is your primary argument of the human body paragraph. This section provides the applicant a chance to create a last statement to the reader. The body should contain all of the information or argument you mean to convey to your readers. The body of your essay needs to be supported by research evidence you could gather. To be able to effectively complete the essay, an individual must develop an overall concluding statement. To let you know the truth, it's not the gist of a personal statement. In fact, it's difficult. Explain why you would like to attend that specific institution. Top Pdf Packet College Essay Samples Choices Discuss what you could offer. My existing goals are, obviously, to remain actively involved locally. Because that endeavor is intimidating, it's often hard to choose where to begin. In a consequence of this, folks will do whatever is required to get these rights, even if this means putting their own lives in danger. It is possible to also start with a few other affairs that you would deem to be impossible. The capacity to communicate with everybody in the work place is of high importance. You will need to present yourself in a sense that is certain to grab attention. In this way, it is going to be simpler to structure the content of your essay. The intent of this s ection of the essay is to defend the thesis statement, or so the content in these types of paragraphs have to be tip-top. This sort of essay typically consists of a minimum of 250 words. You can also see synthesis essay. You will have to send for your transcripts early to make certain they arriveby this date. Use hard-hitting facts which are not easily rebutted. Like a college essay, your private revenue statement needs to have a layout.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Are We Considered Educated - 1487 Words

Are we considered â€Å"Educated† in America? The United States of America-the greatest country in the world. Or is it? This idea that America is the highest leading power in the world has brainwashed upcoming adults and shown them the wrong mentality which they have developed overtime. A main controversy in America is Education. If America says they are great, why is it that the country is not even ranked in the top ten countries for education? An adversary of this claim would say that, â€Å"Education doesn’t determine the Extent of America’s power†, which is completely true, but the fact of the matter is, education is the key to power. When a person is intelligent, others trust that person to make the right decision. People who are more knowledgeable about a subject, get put in charge to lead others. It is erroneous to think otherwise. The question many should now ask, is â€Å"What makes American Education different to the education in other countries?†. There is a separation between these systems through techniques in teaching, mandatory testing, social affairs, and expectations. In order to produce well-educated people, there must be a scholarly educator who spends time to teach the future generation, or in short-terms a teacher. Teachers are the building blocks of education. It is their job to produce leaders in the country to come. The sad part about this is, they are not respected as much as high up officials or doctors, even those they were the cause of their high achievements.Show MoreRelatedI Am A First Year Student, Majoring And Mechanical Engineering At Wentworth Institute Of Technology900 Words   |  4 Pagesliberally educated individual. I somewhat agree with your views on what constitutes a liberal education. 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